Gay Games
The American Family Association is contemplating a boycott of Kraft Inc. for its sponsorship of the Gay Games in Chicago. Link.
The problem with the games is, as with all gay events, they're filled with sex and groping and other stunts that normal folks simply don't accept in public.
Gays want to be accepted as gays, but then they repeatedly engage in overly-sensual behavior and publicize it. Watch, for instance, the annual Gay and Lesbian and Trans-gender and Transsexual and Trans-Am [those with a preference for vehicles] Parade in San Fransisco. It's filled with behavior that no normal person wants to see.
Since the gay community analogizes to the racial civil rights movement, so will we. Let's say (for sake of argument; don't get offended) that all the racist stereotypes of blacks back in the mid-twentieth century were true: they're lazy and shiftless, they're drunk much of the time, and they'd all rape a white woman if given the chance. As part of his march of Washington, should Martin Luther King have featured black men forcing white female dummies to have sex and lazy black men drinking vats of ripple? What sense would that make?
But that's what the gay community does: flaunts its disturbing traits that causes mainstream America to reject them.
It makes absolutely no sense from a PR standpoint.
So why do they do it? Are they stupid? No, far from it. Do they just not care what the rest of America thinks? Obviously not, since they're constantly politicking these days and deeply care about their PR.
Our opinion: Unlike the analogy to the black community above, the disturbing traits of the gay community aren't fictional. And since they're not fictional, they're difficult to hold back when gay groups get together to celebrate their homosexuality.