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If Flannery O'Connor were still alive, she'd have a great time with this one. Her Hazel Motes dreamed of establishing the Church Without Christ. These folks have gone one better: the Church Without Church. Link. Excerpt:

Don't count on Googling "church" to find all the Christian places of worship near your home. The word is being abandoned as many congregations choose catchier names to attract new members.
The HighWay Community, Harbor Light and Great Exchange are just a few of the unconventional names being chosen by congregations in California and across the country.
It's all part of a larger effort to draw in younger generations looking for something other than their parents' church, as well as people who have never attended church or found the right fit.

Of course, as the non-church goers catch onto this ruse, the non-denoms are going to have to get more inventive with their names, making them sound even less and less "churchy." If we were running a non-denom, we'd jump to the front right now with names like "All Power All The Time" and "The Great Empowerment Zone." Or heck, just call it "Free Beer Here."
