From the Notebooks

"Forbes magazine highlighted, 'College tuition has increased by more than three times the rate of inflation for the last 20 years, despite U.S. wages flat-lining since 2000.' In the past year the Huffington Post broke it down more specifically stating, 'Average tuition at four-year public colleges in the U.S. climbed 6.5 percent, or $429, to $7,020 this fall as schools apologetically passed on much of their own financial problems to the students and at private colleges, tuition rose 4.4 percent, or $1,096, to $26,273 from 2008”“2009 alone.'" Link.
The Triumvirate: Big Government, Big Business, Big Education. Hudge, Gudge, and . . . Kudge? Not sure what fits there, but I suspect GKC would've had a great time with these three. Big Business and Big Government throw money at Big Education. Big Education's elite professors then hit the media lanes to throw their support behind the machinations of Big Business and Big Government. The rest of us don't know what to think. We're pretty sure we're getting raped, but the experts assure us we're not, that it doesn't hurt, or that it's good for us.