
The Washington Times has written a scathing opinion about the 4th Circuit's partial-birth abortion decision last week. Link. Excerpts:

In a contentious 2-1 decision last week that places Virginia in the hot seat of the abortion debate, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond threw out Virginia's partial-birth abortion ban, sanctioning the actions of an abortionist plaintiff who crushes the heads and dismembers the arms and legs of infants as they emerge from the womb. The law the court struck down was similar to the partial-birth abortion ban Congress passed in 2003 and was one of the most reasonable attempts by a state legislature anywhere to end this barbaric procedure. . .
The "infanticide" claim doesn't originate with us; it comes from Judge Paul V. Niemeyer, one of the three justices who sits on the court. In his 27-page dissent, Judge Neimeyer calls the ruling "a bold, new law that, in essence, constitutionalizes infanticide of a most gruesome nature." In some uncommonly harsh words for his colleagues, Judge Niemeyer called the ruling "unfit for the laws of a people of liberty" and said it "unnecessarily distances our jurisprudence from that of the Supreme Court and from general norms of morality."