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My children had a Christmas concert last night, and I need to get to the office early today (because I have to leave early for my son's out-of-town basketball game). I'm crunched on both ends: busy at work, busy with holiday/family functions. I was going to run a "From the Notebooks" piece, but Steve Nicoloso pointed me to this site, which then pointed me to a piece at Zero Hedge that, I think, is a "must read." It summarizes some recent words by John Williams.

From what I know about Williams, he is a highly-regarded thinker and economist who has simply had enough with government shenanigans. I've been following him off-and-on for about nine months, and I've been impressed. With this piece, he continues to impress me . . . and scare me.

Back in 2005, I raised the issue of a then-inevitable U.S. hyperinflation with an advisor to both the Bush Administration and Fed Chairman Greenspan. I was told simply that "It's too far into the future to worry about." . . .
