A Pox on Higher Education

Great rant against higher education at Lew Rockwell this morning. Link. Excerpt:

Here's the most diabolical part of the deal: Taxpayers lavishly subsidize higher education even while students go into debt slavery for their own reprogramming! Maybe those eggheads aren't as stupid as they act, as they have built a giant, lucrative make-work program for themselves.
As with any other aspect of life, government interference in the market exacerbates the problem. When students walk into the financial aid office and say they are dropping out because of the cost of college, the "financial aid officer" often sings a one-note tune.
"You can apply for student loans!", is the reflexive solution offered to potential dropouts. The basic concept of running a leaner, more efficient (and more affordable) campus is completely foreign to these addicts to state funding.
Here's some advice to students: NEVER ask anyone associated with a college financial aid office if taking a loan is a good idea. Find advisors with at least an ounce of objectivity if you are considering a debt obligation that could take decades to pay off.