
The Washington Times reports this morning that a new study finds that "women are more likely to suffer financially than men when marriages or cohabitational relationships fail." Link. Excerpt:

The financial loss is significant for both groups of men: Married men's household income drops 22 percent, and cohabiting men's income drops 10 percent.
But for women, the economic decline is "precipitous," Ms. Avellar said.
The household incomes for ex-girlfriends fell 33 percent, to $19,000 a year, while the incomes for ex-wives dropped an extraordinary 58 percent, down to $16,000. These findings are especially important for black and Hispanic women because they cohabit more than other racial groups, Ms. Smock said.

Now, we also know from studies that cohabitational relationships are much (four times?) more likely to fail than marriages. And cohabitation decreases the chances of the woman actually getting married. Finally, a cohabitational relationship labels a woman as sexually giving.

In light of the accumulating evidence, we'd say that a co-habitational relationship should also label a woman as a dullard.