
Making Fun of The One?
The comedians are supposedly beginning to make jokes about Obama. That's gotta be hard for them, like joking about one's own mother, but maybe they're finally seeing what many people have known all along: one's status as a community organizer doesn't make one qualified to run the country. With a lot of luck, they may even see the big picture: the guy is a radical, a Fabian Socialist, whose vision of America is filtered through 19th-century crackpot theories, rather than 18th-century principles laid down by the Founding Fathers.
Random Thought
"Like the American one that had preceded it, the French Revolution of 1789 turned subjects into citizens and then took advantage of them as never before." Bill Bonner.
After hundreds of years of democraphilia, I think we're slowly beginning to see that democracy isn't The Answer. It's a partial answer, and a pretty good one, but it has its shortcomings . . . just as every form of government has its shortcomings if you give it more power than absolutely necessary. I'd take (the typically-weak) medieval monarchy over the today's omni-present democratic State any day.