Can't Afford a Private School?

Gary North at Lew Rockwell continues his intelligent broadsides against the public school system. In this excerpt, he responds frankly to a woman who says parents can't afford private schools:

I see. Because they have monthly car payments for cars they bought new, plus mortgage payments, plus a home full of furniture to pay for, they must now find a way to pay for all this. And the way they universally agreed on was to put their children at moral risk. "Let the kids pay for our goodies!" This woman read my article, presumably understands it, and now tells me that the parents of America have made a rational cost-benefit analysis: they live high on the hog, and their children can and should pay the price.
Both parents work. So, no home schooling is possible. But why do both parents work? To buy the things they want to buy. The question is: Who pays? The answer is: their children. And the parents prefer it this way. So does the letter-writer. There are tens of millions of parents who agree, which is why the public school system persists.
"Maybe you can give them ideas what they can do that is proactive, rather than come down on them for whining." All right, here is my pro-active list. It rests on this principle: Find a way to pay for your own expenses without requiring your kids to pay by attending the local academic cesspool. If you cannot afford this, then cut back on your expenses.

He then provides a list of sane ways to cut back. Tough words, but fair words to anyone who isn't blinded by material acquisitions.
