Monday Miscellany

Flirting with Libertarians?
Thank goodness. From U.S. News & World Report: "Rising opposition to President Obama's healthcare proposals may be morphing into something broader and deeper: an anti-Obama movement that could jeopardize the president's political standing, damage the Democratic Party, and give the Republicans new life." I wish it wouldn't give Republicans new life. They're hardly small-government types (No Child Left Behind, Medicare prescriptions, Department of Homeland Security--a waffle a bit on the DHS, but overall, I have a hard time understanding how a federal department keeps me safe in my neighborhood)). But maybe this whole frightening foray into the far left is scaring people back to traditional conservatism, which was--Nock, not Kristol; Coolidge, not Bush--libertarian in its core:
[T]he healthcare furor has inflamed political passions and raised doubts that seem to be spreading to other areas, such as Obama's expansion of government power, corporate bailouts, and vast increases in the federal debt. The president's burgeoning and costly agenda got another jolt last week from a government projection that deficits will increase from $7.1 trillion to $9 trillion over the next decade.

Worst proofreading of the month: "Robert Gibbs drove home that point again on Sunday, focusing on the public option idea to help provide coverage to the estimated 45 uninsured Americans without insurance." All this hullabaloo over 45 Americans? And they're uninsured Americans without insurance? They don't have insurance twice?
Great article: Five Little-Known Facts About Woodstock. All five can all be condensed into one fact: It was all about making money, real free-market capitalism stuff. But the hippies were apparently too stoned to care. Excerpt: "On top of the fact that there were three toilets for every 10,000 concert goers, a torrential rain started slushing that port-a-potty overflow into one nasty **** stew by Saturday."
Twelve real-life haunted destinations. Pretty cool.