Random Thoughts
Tom Bombadil is kinda like Switzerland.
Hubris leads to humility, but normally against one's will.
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." H.L. Mencken. And as long as they're alarmed and scared and irresponsible and pathetic, the populace will vote progressive.
After much experimentation, I've concluded (for now) that the best casual reading position requires a comfortable chair and a few throw pillows. You can use the pillows to support your back, your elbow, and your book, constantly adjusting the pillows to accommodate different books and where you are on the page. I think the overall best reading position is a comfortable office chair with a desk at mid-torso, but for a casual read, the lazy-boy and pillow approach is probably best.
Jouvenel Corner "A man of our time cannot conceive the lack of real power which characterized the medieval king, from which it naturally followed that in order to secure the execution of a decision he needed to involve other leaders whose say-so reinforced his own." The Nature of Politics.
The older the liberal, the more arrogant. As a person ages, he sees himself make all sort of mistakes. He gradually realizes that he's flawed, and that leads him to understand that all people are flawed. Once he realizes that all people are flawed, he doesn't put much stock in dreams and schemes of big government. As a corollary, if he still puts stock in dreams and schemes, he probably puts a lot of stock in himself.