Free iPod Poor Man App

I've been vacationing in Alpena, Michigan. I return today. Regular posting will hopefully resume tomorrow morning.
Ever since getting my iPhone, I've been looking for Catholic devotional applications. I haven't had much luck, so I created my own.
If you own an iPhone, it's simple to do: You cut-and-paste prayers and meditations into an email message to your iPhone email address. You then cut-and-paste the body of the email into the "Notes" application (one of the handful of applications that, I believe, automatically comes with every new iPhone). Hit "Done. Now the material is always at your fingertips. I keep Eucharistic prayers and various religious quotes there. It has worked out well.
If you want an assortment of prayers and meditations, let me know. I'll send them to you. Email link on the left. Many of the meditations are simply taken from previous "Something for Sunday Morning" posts.