
Raising Readers

A neat article at Lew Rockwell encourages parents to get their children to read a series of books in order to turn them into adult readers. The article then lists a dozen such series (listed below, along with a link to the article and an excerpt from the beginning).


“There is a theory that the adults who have become lifelong readers probably began by reading series of books when they were children.

“An article's author (whose name I have sadly forgotten) felt that, with a self-set goal to "read every book in an entire series," a child gifts himself or herself with reading practice ”“ practice that encourages the brain's transition from processing only at the word-word-word level to processing that flows, enabling the imagination to create scene, characters, plot, without conscious attempts to focus and find meaning.”

The "Little House Books" by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The "Little Britches" series by Ralph Moody
The Redwall series by Brian Jacques
The Dark Is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper
The Spirit Flyer Series/Vol 1”“4 and The Spirit Flyer Series 5”“8
Soup series by Robert Newton Peck
Maniac Magee and other books by Jerry Spinelli
The Chronicles of Narnia and others by C.S. Lewis
J.R.R. Tolkien's series with The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings
The Hardy Boys by Franklin W. Dixon
Nancy Drew Mystery Stories by Caroline Keene
Louisa May Alcott