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The stay-cation. I've always wanted to take one: A week off work without leaving town. Travel is work. I've always thought it'd be nice to, you know, not work. I haven't really tried it (not working/travelling for more than, say, a three-day stretch) since having children. I'm doing a little bit of it this week, though. We were supposed to be gone for two weeks. Because we were gone for only eleven days, I have a few extra days to spend. Of course, I haven't been able to resist the lure of the office entirely, so I'm working part-time these couple of extra days, but I'm enjoying a leisurely pace.

I took my older children to see The Dark Knight yesterday. One of the best movies I've seen in years. I like superhero movies, so that's part of it, but like everyone has said, Heath Ledger turned in a remarkable performance.

Speaking of Heath Ledger, I partially broke the McBrokeback boycott. We ate at McDonald's once during our vacation out west. That's not too bad, though. In past years, we would've eaten there at least three times over the course of eleven days on the road.

I found this interesting contraption at Catholic Fire. I'm cut-and-pasting it here to see what it does:

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While I was gone: Dale Ahlquist's rejoinder to The New Yorker's GKC anti-Semite charge came out. Go here to read it. Also: Please consider a donation to the American Chesterton Society. I know for a fact that it runs on a shoe-string. Any money you can donate is greatly appreciated. (Please also take note that I rarely ask TDE readers to donate money anywhere. When I do, it's a real appeal.)

I've received email from a handful of you. I'm not ignoring you. I'm just slowly getting back into the swing of things.

