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Top Ten List: You might have a book obsession if:

10. You'll never be able to finish all the books you've started.
9. You're kinda surprised there's not a medical term to describe a disordered erotic attraction to books.
8. You don't think the word "disordered" was unnecessary in the previous sentence.
7. You've ever turned down your spouse's advances because you're reading.
6. You've ever joined one of the folio book clubs that sell over-prized elegant books.
5. You think paperbacks are to the book world what pornography is to the film industry.
4. It infuriates you that the Bankruptcy Code allows a debtor to keep his TV but doesn't provide a similar exemption for a book collection.
3. You're mad about that Bankruptcy Code thing because your book buying has put you on the verge of bankruptcy.
2. You've ever contemplated, "What book should be my next bathroom reading book?"
1. You've ever considered putting a book shelf in your bathroom.

