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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as long as it's not beholden in Philadelphia: Philadelphia is home to the least attractive people in the United States, a survey of visitors and residents showed on Friday. Talk about piling on. The article goes on: Philly was also found to be among the least stylish, least active, least friendly and least worldly; national surveys showing they are among the fattest people in the United States; it has not had a national champion in any of its four main sports since the 76ers won the National Basketball Association title in 1983.

Philly is also going to install a lot more security cameras. Whatta drag: Watching a bunch of ugly people.

I think cameras in public places are a good idea, but some of them need to be hidden. As cameras begin to pervade the public sphere, areas without cameras will be an invitation to crime. We need to keep the creeps guessing.

A good DVD review of Knocked Up. Excerpt:

By the time it's over, Knocked Up is really about these two guys growing up and taking responsibility for their lives, which is a remarkably wholesome message from a movie that is anything but wholesome. I would not recommend this film to anyone (I rather wish I hadn't watched it myself), but maybe, just maybe, it is the kind of thing that might wake up a few of the overgrown teenagers to whom it's been marketed. For if there is anything more distressing than the characters in this movie, it's the fact that there really are guys who live like Ben, and don't see what's wrong with it. This film is for them, and I hope it finds its mark.

