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Miscellaneous Rambling

Whatta glorious Indian Summer! I'm really enjoying the extra time outdoors. I've done all sorts of stuff to get the garden ready for next spring, so much so that I'm reminded of Luke 12 and the parable of the fool who stored grain. * * * * * * * It's Twitter week here at TDE, btw. Come back, you'll see what I mean. Simple posts this week, but posts that I would enjoy if I were surfing for quick hits of entertainment/edification. * * * * * * * And if you don't enjoy it, don't worry. It'll be short lived. I plan on having a regular BYCU on Friday. * * * * * * * Speaking of Twitter, there's a rumor afoot that it is going to eliminate the 140-character-per-tweet limit. If so, I guess we'll find out whether the limit is the soul of Twitter or more of a marketing gimmick. * * * * * * * I'm torn about whether it's a good decision, but then again, I don't really care either way. * * * * * * * Quote from one of my favorite atheists: "Why assume the God who created the universe is still running it? It's conceivable He finished and turned it over to lesser gods to operate." H.L. Mencken. That's obviously false, but I have little doubt our rulers believe they comprise the lesser gods. * * * * * * * * Heard on an Econtalk podcast: If you analogize meat-producing animals (and the amount of food it takes to get meat out of them) to cars (and the amount of gas it takes to run them), cattle would get 12 miles to the gallon, pigs about 25 mpg, chickens 60 mpg, and catfish/tilapia 80 mpg.

