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Whenever I think of Australian beer, I think of Foster Lager. Because it was my Dad's beer of choice back in the 1980s, it was my beer of choice ("If it's free, it's me"). I loved those big oil cans. When my friends came over during college summers, my Dad would ask them if they wanted a beer, then he'd bring them one of those, much to their wide-eyed joy.

But it doesn't look like Foster Lager dominates downunder like it used to. Australia has undergone the craft beer revolution as well: Let's Take a Closer Look at Australia's Craft Beer Revolution: "With so much choice now available, it's hard to think that only 20 years ago Australia's beer market was dominated by just three major players. Today, with over 300 breweries producing top quality beer, Australia's beer market alone hones in over AUD$10 billion per year, with the craft beer market drawing in an astonishing AUD$3,000,000,000 per year."

