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Miscellaneous Rambling

So, has everyone noticed that I finally launched the TDE Twitter account full bore? I set it up a year ago but rarely used it. I decided to start using it once I learned how to embed Tweets and my son Jack showed me how to alternate Twitter accounts between my law firm Twitter account (which feeds directly into my firm's blawg) and the TDE account on my phone. That made TDE Tweeting easy, and I must say: it's an enjoyable past-time. * * * * * * * I really like the way embedded Tweets look on the TDE blog. If you disagree, let me know, but I like the extra "flare" it adds. Based on my visitor counts, the Tweets are neither driving people to the site or driving people away from the site. Daily visitors continue to hover around 400. * * * * * * * A cardinal Cardinal Halloween costume. * * * * * * * Top Ten: Excuses for not going to work. My favorite: "I got stuck in the blood pressure machine at the grocery store and couldn't get out." * * * * * * * Wow, what has happened to my Michigan Wolverines? Perhaps I'm not a good fan, but I've found this meltdown so fascinating that my mental stimulation from it might exceed the pleasure I would get from a successful season. Now, the pleasure doesn't exceed the pleasure I would get from a season so successful that it resulted in a berth in the NCAA playoffs, but that hypothetical is so far off the radar screen, I needn't consider it. * * * * * * * Walter Williams fans: Great six-minute video biography. * * * * * * * I'm determined not to vote in any more elections, but I'm sure "they" will get to me and I'll keep voting (I've never missed, to the best of my recollection, for the past 25 years, such a stoop am I). Especially if it's Hillary. This piece, which ran on a libertarian-ish online rag, is chilling.

