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Whew, whirlwind Thanksgiving weekend: Black Wednesday drinking, followed by Thanksgiving hangover, then Thanksgiving travel to Detroit to visit with lots of in-laws that I see, at most, once a year, then Friday morning holiday parade in Grosse Pointe, then more in-laws, then Saturday morning basketball drills with boys and nephew, UM/OSU game on TV, pick up Alex and Abbie in Ann Arbor after game, battle horrendous traffic, get home and have tree decorating party.

And now it's the first day of Advent and I'm relaxing. Things are good. Hectic, but good.

I'm always grateful that my in-laws are good folk. If they were bastuds or unduly eccentric, I honestly don't think I could take those kinds of weekends. I find them exhausting already. I can't imagine how I'd handle it if my in-laws were, well, like me.

