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I finally broke down and bought a cold frame. I'd been looking for cheap substitutes for two years, but nothing ever worked. I considered a Juwel brand cold frame, but they're ridiculously expensive ($130). I then found this Genesis cold frame model for $86, plus $20 for shipping and taxes. I was mulling it over, then found it at Wayfair for $65 . . . and free shipping on orders over $69. So I ordered two. I'm anxiously awaiting it. I hope to be growing and/or harvesting ten months out of the year. We'll see. * * * * * * * The gay rights movement has long promoted itself as a movement of love and tolerance. It's baloney, of course. It has become highly intolerant, advocating the use of force to put down views that dissent with their own, and it is a movement of hate, as evidenced in almost all its rhetoric today and in stories like this one. * * * * * * Hats off to a school district that finally recognizes the obvious: pregnant teens in the classroom and the school are a tremendous distraction; they're an embarrassment and source of discomfiture for other students. So this school district is banning them, but, of course, the ACLU--the keeper of slutty behavior--is investigating. Local values and norms, after all, can't take precedence over a single, suffocating standard applied ham-handedly across a nation of 300 million people and hundreds of thousands of communities. Everyone is the same; every community is the same. Obvious, right?

