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Autobiographical Corner

Well, the worse of the busy season is almost behind me: the little girls' soccer leagues are done (I did my final Hell stint Saturday morning, watching back-to-back games in scorching hot field for over two hours; I felt out-of-whack the rest of the day), Jack's Kalamazoo basketball league is done, First Communion and Confirmation are done, Abbie's Senior Award Night is done. Abbie still has a few varsity soccer games, Max's little league is in full swing, and we have Abbie's shload (a neologism, meaning "a lot of something") of graduation events left, but those are manageable.

And I didn't have to rely too heavily on my arsenal of script. I thought I'd use a dozen or more essays, but I've used only six so far. Of course, I plan on burning through a few more before the busy season officially ends (June 16; Abbie's graduation party), but either way, I should have some left to provide coverage while I'm on vacation this year.

The Gay Economy

So, the NAACP has come out in favor of gay marriage. You know what that means? It means the economy is really, really going to suck this year. I've come up with "The Gay Economy Metric." It measures the relationship between economic forecasts and the drumbeat for gay marriage. The greater the drumbeat, the worse the economic horizon.

I've bought into the idea that Obama knows the economy is probably going to kill him in November, so he wants to latch onto social issues. He thinks gay marriage is the issue that will save him, so now all the leftist groups are piling onto the gay wagon, too.

That's pretty scary, given that more than half of Americans oppose gay marriage. If that's the issue that Obama wants to address more than the economy, that must mean the economy is going into a freakin' tailspin.

