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We've started ISI Books' Bertrand de Jouvenel. It promises to be another great offering. We've read the other four books in the series (Ludwig von Mises, Wilhelm Roepke, Eric Voegelin, and Robert Nisbet) and have immensely enjoyed all of them. In a world strained for time, these books provide quick yet massive doses of intellectual history, philosophy, and wisdom. Yes, ISI Books advertises with our blog, but we aren't pandering when we say that, so far, this is the best non-fiction series of books we've ever seen.

Subjects slated for future volumes make a nerd salivate with anticipation: Christopher Dawson, Will Herberg,Willmoore Kendall, Christopher Lasch, John Courtney Murray, Michael Polanyi, Richard Weaver. The books are inexpensive and quick to read. Yes, highly recommended.

