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The evil which is abroad in Narnia when we first come into the land takes the form of a white witch. We learn from Mr. Beaver that she is of the race of Lilith, Adam's first wife, according to an old and persistent legend. Because of dissatisfaction and disobedience on her part, she was driven into exile, and Eve took her place as the mother of mankind. For this reason, Lilith hates fruitfulness and love and the honest intercourse of man with woman. She is the archetype of all wicked fairies who show up at cradles and christenings, and her particular ploy is illusion. If she can lull you and entice you away from light-of-day reality, and lead you into the sterile limbo of illusion, where you will dry up and die, then she has done what she wants to do.

Thomas Howard, C.S. Lewis: Man of Letters (Ignatius Press), p. 58.

