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I Need a Drink

The baseball season is only four days old, and I'm already burned out. My son's appearance at the plate last night would've driven me to a big bottle, but I was still vomiting from the spectacle. You ever work on something for twenty hours, then see it revert to ground zero in five seconds? That was my experience last night. I'm beginning to think alcohol was made for parents. * * * * * If the last entry seems kinda harsh, it is. But I don't have many local readers, and those who read regularly, know I tend to rant. It's the lack of discretion brought about by 6:00 a.m. drinking. * * * * * If I had drank last night, though, it wouldn't have hurt the results. Researchers at colleges "have found that binge drinking the night before a test does not impact college students' test performance." That's fine, but what about the impact on fifth-grade test takers? * * * * * Morocco might go dry. Problem is, they want to continue to attract tourists and tourists like to drink. The unnatural tangle of Omar and the Sacred Vine continues, but I have a question: how do Muslims raise all those kids without alcohol?

