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Stream of Consciousness

Tax Day. Give the federal government the single-finger salute. * * * * * Hoo hoooo! Happy days are here again. "Better days here? Economic rebound gains strength." Ah, but crap: "George Soros delivered a stark warning last night that the financial world is on the wrong track and that we may be hurtling towards an even bigger boom and bust than in the credit crisis." And George is a hard-core lefty (is that a redundancy?) who'd love to see Obama get credit for an economic recovery. * * * * * Last Sunday's Gospel reading: doubting Thomas. It struck me later that day: Was Thomas the first Thomist? He demanded natural proof to corroborate theological truths, rather like the Angelic Doctor used Aristotelianism to reach Catholic dogma. Any chance I've stumbled upon a unique observation here? More likely, someone else made the same point years ago, and I merely internalized it, and now it's sprouting out. I used to read a lot of Gilson and Pieper (still read some Pieper). I suspect they put observation in there a long time ago. * * * * * I occasionally think back to my long hours with Gilson and Voegelin. Those were wonderful times. Challenging-yet-lucid writing, revelations falling around my head like bombs around 1945 Berlin. Nowadays, I scarcely have the intellectual rigor to read a magazine. * * * * * Most-encouraging poll results that I've seen in 200 years: "Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%." * * * * * For those keeping score (and in case you missed it): With Justice Stevens' resignation, there are no Prots on the Supreme Court. Current count: 5 Catholics, 3 Jews.

