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Lansing Michigan

My Son, the Duke

My son leaves for Lansing tomorrow. The reason? "Youth in Government." He's spending four days at the Michigan capital to learn how government works. I'm pretty excited about it. I told him to take it seriously because (and this is an exact quote), "Government is the only growth industry left in America."

My wife chuckled at my jaded sarcasm. I didn't crack much of a smile.

"I'm serious," I said. "I'd like him to get into the growing sector. People in government take care of their own. They make more than private citizens. He'd be smart to get a government job."

We talked a little more about it. She suggested other growth areas, like computer technology, but I explained, "None of it is growing as fast as government." I think she eventually agreed, but protested that our son shouldn't be part of the government that we've come to despise. My response: Better to be part of it than to be run over by it. We can pray that he stays pure, but either way, he's going to get compromised in this increasingly-corrupt society. He might as well be in the ruling class while he does it.

Such is my sour outlook on our nation, but I'm fine with it. Other than thinking about those bastuds in government, I'm in a pretty good mood. People carried on happy lives while the carnage of Napoleon's Revolutionary army rolled across Europe. I can carry on a happy life while the carnage of the Liberal Revolution ravages our economy. And with a little luck, so can my children. But as the government grows, they're gonna need to be "inside" the machine instead of outside it.

This little trip to Lansing might be his first steps toward ruling class status.

