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John Robson rolls out a little common sense political philosophy (no link available yet):

Monday's Citizen said: "The British government is considering regulating the maximum temperature of domestic baths." It seems the public are too stupid not to scald themselves unless big nanny hovers over them as they bathe. While I'm inclined to think the state has no place in the bathrooms of the nation, if it's in there bossing people around I do want to hear about it. But I'm not done with my question about all this government news. Indeed, I've just gotten started.
The real question is not just why government is in our faces, bathtubs and playgrounds morning noon and night, but why it is so pushy, given that it is also so incompetent. Out in Vancouver, a government-funded program is trying to give free heroin to addicts and failing. And you're going to remake society? Oh wait. You already did.

