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Perhaps it's shameful on our part, but we're going to (try to) start a blog meme, one of those chain-blog messages that bloggers pass among each other. It's simple:

1. Name your three biggest non-reference books (excluding the Bible and text books).

2. Name your three biggest reference books.

3. Tag three others.

By "biggest," we're not looking for number of words. We're looking for weight. Heft. Something you'd drop on invaders while defending a castle.

Here goes:

Three Biggest Non-Reference Books:
1. Gotham: A History of New York to 1898 (Edwin Burrows and Mike Wallace)
2. Francis of Assisi (Gianmaria Polidoro)
3. The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon II, Man to World

Three Biggest Reference Books:
1. Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary
2. The Jerome Biblical Commentary
3. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

We tag:
Joe Tremblay at Chesterton and Friends
Jim Thumos at Thumos.
Jeff Culbreath at Hallowed Ground.

To our non-blogging readers (about 90% of our readership base, if e-mails are any indicator): We apologize for any inconvenience or annoyance this causes, but once the message is passed along, it won't bother y'all any more.

